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Langford, British Columbia

7.9 / 10

Langford is a city located on southern Vancouver Island in the province of British Columbia, Canada. Langford is one of the 13 component municipalities of Greater Victoria and is within the Capital Regional District. Langford was incorporated in 1992 and has a population of over 34,000 people. Its municipal neighbours are Colwood to the southeast, Highlands to the north, Metchosin to the southwest, and View Royal to the northeast. Read more

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Popularity of Langford, British Columbia

Langford, British Columbia Social Media Popularity Score:
7.9 / 10
  This value is based on the number of visitors, checkins, and likes on Facebook in the last few months.
Most activity in January:
Langford, British Columbia has a total of 95845 visitors (checkins) and 2394 likes.