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Kitchener, Ontario

8.5 / 10

The City of Kitchener is a city in Southern Ontario, Canada. Located approximately 100 km west of Toronto, Kitchener is the seat of the Regional Municipality of Waterloo. It was the Town of Berlin from 1854 until 1912 and the City of Berlin from 1912 until 1916, both in Waterloo County, Ontario.The Kitchener metropolitan area, which includes the smaller, neighbouring cities of Waterloo to the north and Cambridge to the south, has 523,894 people, making it the tenth largest Census Metropolitan Area (CMA) in Canada and the fourth largest CMA in Ontario. Read more

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Popularity of Kitchener, Ontario

Kitchener, Ontario Social Media Popularity Score:
8.5 / 10
  This value is based on the number of visitors, checkins, and likes on Facebook in the last few months.
Most activity in January:
Kitchener, Ontario has a total of 892287 visitors (checkins) and 40185 likes.